16 04 2013
XenServer to KVM migration.
I had to migrate a Windows VDS from an extremely old node running XenServer 5.5 to a brand new node running KVM on CentOS 6.4. This worked for me, but your mileage may vary..
Run a list to find out the uuid for the VDS
xe vm-list
It will be something like this;
uuid ( RO) : 24ebdacc-bd8e-637a-7be1-88c08f39059e name-label ( RW): example power-state ( RO): running
To create a snapshot of the running VM run;
xe vm-snapshot uuid=24ebdacc-bd8e-637a-7be1-88c08f39059e new-name-label=snapshotname
This will return the uuid of the snapshot, we now need to transform the snapshot into a VM so we can save it as a file;
xe template-param-set is-a-template=false ha-always-run=false uuid=522e2553-8262-bbce-7199-fd178691d9d8
If you don’t have enough space on the mounted file system, you might need to do what I did and create a new logical volume (slightly bigger than the current image size) and mount it.
lvcreate -L30G -n example vg
Where vg is the name of your volume group.
Then make the filesystem type and mount it;
mkfs -t ext3 /dev/vg/example mkdir /mnt/example mount /dev/vg/example /mnt/example
Now we will save the snapshot to a file.
xe vm-export vm=522e2553-8262-bbce-7199-fd178691d9d8 filename=/mnt/example/example.xva
Then you just need to copy the image to the KVM node, via your method of choice. I would recommend creating a lv on the node with at least 3 times the size of the current disk image size (for working space).
Once you have got it onto the new node, you need to convert the xva file to a image file.
To do this you can use a super awesome python script.
You need to untar the xva file before you can convert it.
tar -xvf example.xva
cd into the created directory, you will then see a folder that looks like;
Get the python script (Requires Python 2.4);
wget http://nerdier.co.uk/xenmigrate.py
Then run the following to convert the extracted .xva to a .img
python xenmigrate.py -c Ref\:39/ example.img
Create a loopback device for the image;
losetup /dev/loop0 /path/to/example.img
Create the lv for the VDS
lvcreate -L21G -n example vg
dd the image to the lv
dd if=/dev/loop0 of=/dev/vg/example
Run virt-install
virt-install --name=example --cpuset=auto --ram=1024 --network bridge=br123 --disk=/dev/vg/example --vnc --vnclisten= --noautoconsole --cdrom=/win2k8.iso
Check which port VNC is running on
netstat -an | grep 59
Then connect to the server IP/Port with your VNC client to configure the network on the VDS.
Once that’s done, shutdown the VDS so you can disable VNC by doing;
virsh edit example
Remove the following lines and then save/exit.
<graphics type='vnc' port='-1' autoport='yes' listen=''> <listen type='address' address=''/> </graphics>
Start the VDS
virsh start example
Once it’s all up and running, you just need to remove the working space you made with lvremove (after unmounting it).
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