11 09 2015
Debugging cron
I had an issue where cron was running but my command wasn’t working but it worked when I ran it manually.
Best way to do this is to add “2>&1 | logger” to the end of the command, this redirects all the output to syslog.
Edited my crontab:
7,37 * * * * /usr/bin/puppet agent --no-daemonize --onetime --server=puppetmaster.serverhostna.me 2>&1 | logger
Wait for it to run, then check syslog:
Sep 11 15:22:01 server-xxx root: /usr/bin/env: ruby_noexec_wrapper: No such file or directory
Then fix your issue!
Mine was due to puppet being installed a gem, so I updated the path in /usr/bin/puppet to point to the correct ruby.
[root@server-xxx ~]# head -n 1 /usr/bin/puppet #!/usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p290/bin/ruby
Once fixed you can remove the logger bit from the cron.
raidcfg notes freeipa: ERROR: Deleting a managed group is not allowed. It must be detached first.