4 04 2017
Ran into an issue trying to remove private groups in FreeIPA where it wouldn’t delete it because it was managed, but if you tried to detach it, it said it wasn’t managed..
Adjective: Comparative form of nerdy: more nerdy.
4 04 2017
Ran into an issue trying to remove private groups in FreeIPA where it wouldn’t delete it because it was managed, but if you tried to detach it, it said it wasn’t managed..
11 09 2015
I had an issue where cron was running but my command wasn’t working but it worked when I ran it manually.
21 03 2015
I got the following errror, even though the server is a Dell!
21 03 2015
Encountered an error when I was trying to su to a user:
21 03 2015
When attempting to update openssl I got the following errror:
19 08 2014
I encountered the following error on a FreeBSD server:
14 07 2014
Ran into the following error while trying to use a nagios check written in perl.
11 01 2014
While adding the openmanage nagios check to our servers I encountered the error of;
28 12 2013
I got the error of; Error: Missing Dependency: rtld(GNU_HASH) is needed by package x when trying to install something on CentOS 5.
1 11 2013
When installing APC on a CentOS 6.4 server I got the following error;